First Austrian Kitchen
We invite you to take
a journey into the past of kichen history with lots of completely firnished
kitchens of the decades from 1900 - 1970. For example an original kitchen of
the sixties features the famous Lilienporzellan "Daisy" as well as
many collector´s items. In other kitchens you
will discover pieces collected with enthusiasm dating back to grandma days.
Especially eyecatching is a larder filled with gorgeous porcelain
storage vessels plus goodies (recipes are in our cookbooks!). You will be
astonished of the wide variety of kitchens and cooking utensils.
Did you expect such a wide variety of buiscuit cutters? Explore the "good
old time" to find out about the technical revolution which took place in
the kitchens of the last century.
Shop Museum
We hope you enjoy your visit to the “Museum in
the village” situated in the former house of the cattle drover. Through the
inviting quadrangle (courtyard) you enter into the “Vermischte Warenhandlung
Brüger” (founded in 1877) with the original main gate. Now you are in a shop
with furniture from the promoterism period. Many of the exhibited dead articles
are from the 100 year old stock. Of course there are numerous things hidden in
the drawers.